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Voodoo Admin

  • Web Updates Coming!!

    Hey everyone! We’re updating the way accounts are created and updated here on the website and those updates might cause some hiccups with the website. Here’s what we’re doing: We don’t want to spam our members or annoy you with notifications while we implement these updates, but there is a possibility that you may receive…

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  • ***NEW*** INFO UPDATE- Oct 25th – Grindhouse 2024

    Coming back to Voodoo Leatherworks on Friday, October 25th… UPDATE: The website was not processing RSVPs, so if you tried to sign up, but were denied, please try again! Thanks! Grindhouse is a special event that includes aspects of Bloodplay, Art, Horror, Fear play and bad, schlocky movies. As part of this event, we will…

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  • Volunteer Signups Status

    Now that we have a working website, we want to get to work on our Volunteer signup process. For the last couple of years, we’ve user Acuity Scheduling, but it hasn’t been our favorite solution. Keep your eyes open for updates as we build this system. We will want your feedback about how well it…

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  • New Website!!

    If you are reading this, it means that you are registered as a Voodoo Member on our new website!!! It’s been a long time coming, but we are incredibly grateful to have a functional website again! Bear with us as we continue to work out the kinks (heh) but I think we’ve made a lot…

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  • Info About New Member Orientations

    Not a Member of Voodoo yet? Come check out our New Member Orientations, happening several times per month with a variety of available days and time to choose from: Doors will open shortly before orientation begins and will be locked once orientation starts, so please be on time. We will not allow late arrivals into…

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  • 2024 Program Updates

    For 2024, Voodoo is making some changes to our program! Here’s what we have in store for you – beginning in February: Leather Night: Starting in February, 2024. 3rd Saturdays are now our monthly Leather Party! $5 discount at the door for wearing 3 pieces of Leather, potluck items to share highly encouraged and please…

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  • Notes from MOD/DM Discussion

    Here are the notes from the October 27th MOD/DM Discussion and social: Background: At the last Members Meeting, it was indicated that communication and consistency has been the source of a lot of frustration among our volunteer teams. This discussion and social was scheduled to try and address any policies, procedures and/or rules that have…

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  • Risk Mitigation

    Below are some things to consider to mitigate risks in different situations Meeting someone for the first time: Meeting someone from online. We all meet people online these days, but if that is the only place in which you’ve interacted with this person, how do you know that they are who they present themselves to…

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  • Red Flags

    Voodoo Leatherworks has always been committed to providing a safer space for our members and their guests to explore this lifestyle and part of that support involves education and increased awareness of the Community around you. Please take some time to read through the material below. First and foremost, it’s important to note that Voodoo…

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